The Hunter Central Coast Branch of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) is coordinating and resourcing a survey which will look at our Communities experiences of the coast and impact of various coastal hazards. This results of this survey will contribute to the evidence base for the Hunter JO’s Act Now on Adaptation Project.
The purpose of this research is to:
- Understand your experiences of the coast
- Understand the impact of various hazards you may have experienced within the Hunter and Central Coast especially sea level rise and severe coastal storms
This research will be used to inform NSW Government and local council communications about how to manage the impact of coastal hazards.
The survey will take about 15-minutes to complete, with the closing date now extended through to Friday 28 May 2021.
Link: Act on Adaptation: Coastal Wise Communities Survey
Thank you for your interest in this survey which is being conducted by the NSW Government’s Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE).