Hunter Joint Organisation
Who We Are
The Hunter Joint Organisation is a collaborative body that brings together the ten councils in the region to provide a united and local voice for our communities. As the hub for local intergovernmental collaboration, our statutory mandate includes identifying key regional strategic priorities, advocating for these priorities, and building collaborations around these priorities with other levels of government, industry and community.
Statutory mandate
Joint Organisations were proclaimed in 2018 through the Local Government (Regional Joint Organisations) Proclamation 2018 and have been operating under the provisions of the NSW Local Government Act since that time.
Joint Organisations (JOs) are statutory local government bodies under the NSW Local Government Amendment (Regional Joint Organisations) Act 2017 No 65 and the Local Government Act. They provide a way for local councils, the NSW Government, the Commonwealth and Industry to work together to deliver things that matter the most to regional communities.
There are 13 Joint Organisations across NSW, who represent a long term commitment to the development of a shared vision for a region.
Principal functions of joint organisations
The Local Government Act directs that a Joint Organisation has the following principal functions
Joint organisations are also empowered to undertake a range of other functions including capacity building for councils (section 400S) and may undertake regulatory functions of a council if delegated to do so (sections 377 and 379).
The voting members of a Joint Organisation Board comprise elected representatives (Mayors and, in some JOs, Councillors of their member councils).
Collaboration across the Joint Organisation network
The NSW Joint Organisation Chairs Forum regularly brings together all NSW JO’s, along with other alliances of councils from across NSW. Its purpose is to exchange information on best practice and excellence in the pursuit of strategic regional priorities, joint advocacy and collaboration activities for the benefit of local councils and their communities right across rural and regional NSW.
The current chair of the Forum is Cr Sue Moore, Mayor of Singleton Council and Chair of Hunter JO, along with Deputy Chair Cr Kevin Beatty, Mayor of Cabonne Council and Chair Central NSW JO.
PHOTO (right)
Chair – Cr Sue Moore, Chair of Hunter JO and;
Deputy Chair – Cr Kevin Beatty, Chair Central NSW JO.
Find out more about collaboration across the JO network.