We were very excited to find out in December that we had been successful with our earlier funding application to the NSW Increasing Resilience to Climate Change Program for our “Act now on Adaptation: Coastal Wise Communities (ACT NOW)” project.
This $120,000 project will support coastal councils more consistently and effectively engage with coastal communities and stakeholders through development of a communication framework on coastal hazards, including coastal erosion and inundation, sea level rise and coastal storms. Key deliverables will include:
- Capacity building through development of an evidence based approach to community engagement and communication around coastal adaptation across the coastal councils of the Hunter and Central Coast;
- Communication and media protocol;
- Communication resources; and
- Integrated Planning and Reporting package to integrate the approach into Councils key strategic documents.
Read more about the Hunter JO’s program on Environmental Resilience and Climate Change HERE.
To find out more about this submission, please contact:
Mel Curtis, Regional Policy and Program Manager (Environment), melindac@hunterjo.com.au M 0428981012.