When well-intentioned homeowners and builders employ the wrong contractors, waste can end up in bushland and our community.
In an effort to combat this ongoing illegal dumping issue and to educate our communities on how to avoid this outcome, Small Acts Big Change, a project established by the Waste and Resource Recovery Program, of the Hunter Joint Organisation, created a video to share.
“This video allows us to show the very real, and often dangerous, impacts created by illegal dumping. We realised there is still more to learn about illegal dumping and how homeowners can prevent it from being their waste which ends up in our beautiful bushland. Creating awareness around this and encouraging homeowners to ask for tip receipts from their contractors is the first step towards prevention. ” said Cessnock City Council Mayor Cr Bob Pynsant.
“Small Acts Big Change is all about making small changes in our lives that contribute to big change when it comes to waste. Illegal dumping is an ongoing problem in our region, and we all have a role to play in ending it.”
The Small Acts Big Change project is a NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Waste Less Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy and managed by the Hunter Joint Organisation.
To read the recent article written by Krystal Sellars from the Cessnock Advertiser you can go to: