The Hunter JO is excited to announce the launch of a new regional digital portal
This key communication channel will be the window into all the great initiatives taking place in the Upper Hunter.
The launch was held on Thursday 11 June 2020 at Hunter Belle Cheese Cafe in Muswellbrook with Michael Johnsen MP and the Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture and Resources officially launching the new website. This event brought together representatives from the Upper Hunter Shire Council, Dungog Shire Council, Singleton Council and Muswellbrook Shire Council.
“Our Upper Hunter is a strong and thriving community, and this initiative is at the core of the NSW Government’s commitment to support the continued growth of our community to build upon its existing economic strengths” MP Michael Johnsen said.
To discover more go to
For the full media release go to
Left to Right – Mayor John Connors – Dungog Shire, Mayor Sue Moore – Singleton Shire, Michael Johnsen MP, Fiona Plesman General Manager – Muswellbrook Shire, Steve McDonald General Manager – UHSC, Alison McGaffin – Regional NSW.
For more information contact
Louisa Bulley
Executive Officer
Phone: 0413 891 320