Small Acts Big Change
Small Acts Big Change is all about the small things we in the Hunter and Central Coast are doing to re-imagine the way we think about waste. From individuals to community groups to forward thinking businesses, so many of us changing the way we buy, use and dispose of stuff for a better planet and better community for all of us.
Read stories from our region, and join the community of people re-thinking waste.
Our Stories
Watch, share and connect with stories from all over the Hunter and Central Coasts of people and communities making small changes to the way they engage with waste…

Spare pair of jeans?
Who hasn’t got a few pre-loved denim threads buried in the wardrobe? Maybe they don’t fit, maybe they’ve been loved a little too much? Meet Cathy and Dani from Upcycle Newcastle, and see how they can inspire you to see new possibilities with pre-loved fabrics. Share this story with a friend who’s crafty, and remember it’s the small acts that inspire big change. Got a great Upcycling idea for us? Share it with us here

Pops with purpose
We all have a pop or uncle who’s the handy go-to guy for any fix-it thing right? Well meet Graham and Mick from Maitland Community Men’s Shed. These guys may be retired but they’re using their life-earned skills to make amazing things for their community. Share this story with a top bloke, because it’s these small acts that inspire big change. Got a great Recycling idea for us?

Suburban bargain hunters
It’s early Saturday morning and the Garage Sale sign glints with glee… because there’s thousands of unique finds on offer today. We caught up with Roscoe, Vivienne and Shane as they participated in the Garage Sale Trail event with more than a few surprises! Share this with a friend who just loves the smell of a bargain. Got a great thrifty idea for us? Share it with us here.

Neighbourhood pollution warriors
How often do we go to the beach and end up leaving with more than a car full of sand? We caught up with Ladine and Jessi as they shared how their family takes 3 for the sea every day in their community. Share this story with a mate who loves the planet as much as they love an early morning surf, and remember it’s the small acts that inspire big change.
Recycling Near you

Contact Us
Share your story with us! Snap a photo, record a video, send us an email – tell us what you do at home and work to re-think waste.