The Hunter JO recently hosted two Simtable training sessions: a General User training on the 27th of April and Super User of the 4th of May. Approximately 75 people participated across the two sessions, with representatives from our Member Councils, Resilience NSW, the RFS and the NSW SES.
The Simtable had its pilot run with in the community during an emergency management workshop with the Karuah Aboriginal Community on 5th of May. The workshop was hosted by the Karuah Local Aboriginal Land Council and Aboriginal Affairs NSW, with staff from the NSW RFS and Resilience NSW in attendance. One of the Hunter JO’s two Simtables was used to recreate a bushfire similar to the Lone Pine Fire that impacted the community in 2016, prompting discussions about the risk, vulnerabilities, and how residents could act to improve their level of resilience and preparedness.
Engagement with broader stakeholders has continued and a demonstration was provided to the Lower Hunter Bush Fire Management Sub-Committee on the 18th of May, as well as to the Executive Director of Resilience NSW, Dominic Lane, on the 24th of May 2022.
The Hunter JO is now working to develop program content and resources to support the delivery of community workshops using the Simtable. Staff from our Member Councils, as well as local emergency management organisations will be able to provide feedback on the resources when they are drafted.
If you would like more information about the program head to our project page or contact Chris Dart on or on 0460 038 197.