The Simtables for Community Empowerment project has continued to progress well throughout June and July, with lots of engagement from Councils and key stakeholders.
The Hunter JO is currently working to finalise draft workshop content and resources before consulting key staff from our Member Councils. These workshops will utilise a range of existing resources from emergency management organisations, including the RFS Bush Fire Survival Plan and Red Cross Rediplan, and incorporate activities that help participants understand their disaster risk and how they can act to improve their resilience.
Engagement with key stakeholders has continued, with Simtable demonstrations recently delivered to:
- RFS Hunter Area Command, Cameron Park, 27 June 2022
- Red Cross disaster resilience staff, 30 June 2022
- Local Land Services, Tocal, 8 July 2022
For more information, head to our Simtables project page today!