On Thursday 21st May 2020 the Hunter Joint Organisation had a ground-breaking meeting with Minister for Regional Roads and Transport, the Hon. Paul Toole MP, where we discussed the future prosperity of the Hunter region.
The meeting was the outcome of a collaboration between the Hunter Joint Organisation, the Urban Development Institute of Australia, the Property Council of Australia, and Member for Lake Macquarie, Greg Piper MP. This meeting marked a significant and positive step for the Hunter, with future collaboration a priority for all. A key outcome from the meeting was the agreement to establish a reference group, with members from TfNSW, the Hunter Joint Organisation, UDIA and the Property Council of Australia.
The focus for this group will be to work together on solutions that can deliver improved transport and planning outcomes for the region. “The Hunter Joint Organisation and its member councils are keen to get to work with State Government to deliver the economic stimulus that improvements in transport and planning can bring to the Hunter.” said Bob Pynsent, Chair of the Hunter Joint Organisation and Mayor of Cessnock.
Unlocking development in the Hunter will help deliver more affordable housing, provide local jobs, support a regional workforce, provide investment opportunities, support businesses of all sizes, and support the government’s bottom line. Member for Lake Macquarie, Greg Piper MP who also attended the meeting last Thursday noted, “It’s been clear for some time that problems exist with the delivery of road infrastructure in our area, but I’m pleased to see that these groups, including the councils and now the State Government, are coming together and working collaboratively to get things moving again.”
The Hunter Joint Organisation also sees great potential for accelerated delivery of the actions in the Hunter Regional Plan 2036, as well as the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan through this increased collaboration.
“The Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan, has been endorsed by the NSW Government, but we can deliver much more value from these plans through effective collaboration between local and state governments,” Nuatali Nelmes, Chair of the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan Steering Committee and Lord Mayor of City of Newcastle noted.
The Hunter Joint Organisation hopes to see red tape reduction and systems improvement through this reference group, and future collaboration with State Government. “We are optimistic that we can achieve some quick wins, as well as some long-term outcomes for the region” Joe James, CEO of the Hunter Joint Organisation “We see the establishment of this reference group as being an important outcome in our collaboration with State Government to make this region a priority.”
For more information contact
Louisa Bulley
Executive Officer
Phone: 0413 891 320
Email: louisab@hunterjo.com.au