The Hunter JO has been restructured and further resourced to build upon the long running Environment Division model. This establishes a Regional Policy and Programs team with the capability to deliver projects across the range of action areas identified in the Hunter JO Strategic Plan.
In addition to Mel Curtis and Skye Moore joining the team in recent months (as reported previously), we have also been making some changes to our existing team;
- Tim Askew’s new role as Regional Policy and Program Manager will expand to include a broader focus. As well as continuing his Circular Economy work, Tim will become involved in other programs such as the Smart Region Project, Regional Infrastructure Priority List and other regional economic development and transition initiatives.
- Barbora Michalidesova has returned to work following maternity leave. Moving forward Barbora and Chelsey Zuiderwyk will each take the newly created Coordinator position’s within the Executive team. Key focus areas will include organisational systems and processes; financial management; supporting the planning, management and administration of GMAC and Hunter JO Board meetings; contributing to the Hunter JO’s communication strategy as part of the Communications Team; and building and managing internal and external stakeholder relationships to assist the Hunter JO’s regional leadership and advocacy role.
- Siobhan Isherwood has taken on the role of Regional Waste Program Coordinator until June 2021. Siobhan will be responsible for delivering the final year of implementation of the long running Hunter & Central Coast Regional Waste Management Program. Key focus areas will include: a strategic review and update of the Regional Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy; coordinating the Regional Waste Strategy Group; identifying opportunities for improved regional collaboration around resource recovery, designing and delivering regional events, workshops and training for councils for waste management and resource recovery, and continuing to deliver the region-wide Small Acts Big Change Waste Education Campaign.
We are also recruiting for our third Regional Policy and Program Manager to work alongside Mel and Tim. We’ll be able to provide an update on this in the near future.
Photo left to right: Steve Wilson now Director of the restructured and further resourced Regional Policy and Programs Team (previously the Environment Division) stands alongside Joe James, CEO of Hunter Joint Organisation.
Photo credit to Zuela Photography.