Get Ready Program – “Get Ready” is a program run by Resilience NSW and the State Government to generate participation in disaster preparedness activities, with the ultimate aim of improving the disaster resilience of people in NSW. The program recognises that Local Government plays an important role in this endeavour. All Councils within the Hunter JO are now registered to use the Get Ready branding and resources. The next campaign, “Get Ready – Animals” is about to be rolled out to Councils.
Disaster Dashboards have been prepared for all of Hunter JO member Councils and Central Coast Council. These websites provide a consistent platform across Council areas that consolidate emergency information and alerts, utility outages, basic preparedness advice and local recovery information into one location. Disaster Dashboards have now gone live in the Cessnock, Lake Macquarie, MidCoast, Newcastle, Port Stephens Council and Central Coast Council areas. The Regional Disaster Preparedness Officer is continuing to work with councils to achieve full regional coverage.
To read more about our Disaster Resilience program click here or contact;
Skye Moore, Regional Disaster Preparedness Officer,, M:0467 279 005