Cycle tourism and active transport has been identified as a key priority for the 10 Councils of the Hunter region through the Hunter JO’s Strategic Plan, presenting a fantastic opportunity to deliver regional benefit for our communities through collaborative efforts.
A unique opportunity exists to link existing and planned cycleway infrastructure, local businesses, and points of interest across five council areas; to create a 100km integrated region wide cycle network and iconic tourism product called Shiraz to Shore.
We received funding from NSW Government to develop a Business Case and Concept Design for the Shiraz to Shore initiative, as well as a Hunter Cycle Tourism Strategy to position the region as a premier cycle tourism destination.
Shiraz to Shore
The Shiraz to Shore is a 100km recreational trail that connects the picturesque wine country in the Hunter Valley to spectacular coastal beaches of Newcastle and Lake Macquarie.
Click here to download Shiraz to Shore Cycle Trail Map
- Estimated trail use exceeds 237,000 people per year.
- Cycle tourists/visitors spend more and stay longer in our region, resulting in business growth opportunities providing more jobs for local people.
- Regional income increase $119m over 10 year period.
- Nearly 200 jobs will be generated after the construction of the project.
Business Case
The Business Case for Shiraz to Shore estimated the trail to cost $89 million, which can be broken down into eight stages, and would provide an economic return of 1.4 for every dollar spent.
Estimated Shiraz to Shore Section Costs
Click below to view the Shiraz to Shore Concept Plan, Shiraz to Shore Business Case and Shiraz to Shore Marketing Plan
Hunter Cycle Tourism
The Hunter is currently a major tourism destination in NSW and Australia. Over 12 million visitors come to see the great variety of Hunter experiences every year. Tourism already provides $3.2 billion of GDP, and we will need much more, as the region evolves from a resource economy.
Along with the incredible cycling experiences on offer in the Hunter from the picturesque country gravel rides, adrenaline fuelled downhill mountain bike parks and leisurely trails, the introduction of a premium cycle tourism experience in the Hunter Region, such as Shiraz to Shore, can take advantage of its flat river valley and surrounding hills for a truly accessible cycle experience for all.
Cycle tourism is widely known as a driver of visitor spend and overnight stays, with data from Tourism Research Australia showing that the cycle tourist would spend an average of $832 per visit compared to the domestic visitor who would only spend $490, indicating that cycle tourists spend more and stay longer in our region, which means more jobs for local people.
As part of the NSW Government grant funding, we’ve also developed a Hunter Cycle Tourism Strategy to identify the actions the region can undertake to position itself as a premier cycle tourism destination.
Click below to view the Hunter Cycle Tourism Strategy and Hunter Cycle Tourism Draft Situation Analysis
We’ll continue to advocate for funding to progress this important piece of community infrastructure.