Round 7 of the EPA’s Community Litter Grant Program is now open for applications. These grants are available for community based organisations that want to address litter in their local environments and supports EPA partners to deliver littler prevention projects and develop strategic plans. This also supports the transition towards the new Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041.
This is a great opportunity to promote this program within our local communities across the Hunter region to support and maintain litter prevention efforts and ensure a healthy and thriving environment for the future.
To apply for funding, a community group must be a non-government, not-for-profit organisation. You must have your own constitution and be incorporated under the law of a state or territory of Australia as an incorporated association, company or cooperative society.
All projects must be completed by February 2023 and applications close on Monday 8th of November 2021.
For more information on the funding streams and how apply click HERE.