Following our recent recruitment process for the role of Regional Policy and Program Manager (Environment), we are pleased to confirm that the position received a great number of quality applications and has been accepted by Melinda (Mel) Curtis. A big thank you to those of you who took the time to apply and make contact.
Mel brings a range of experience to the team, having worked in a number of manager and specialist roles across six councils since 1997, including most recently in our own Upper Hunter Shire Council. Mel’s environmental management experience includes: environmental planning and policy, coastal management, floodplain management, catchment and estuary management, environmental education and biodiversity conservation.
More broadly her local government experience also includes Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R), capital works management, enterprise risk management, business continuity, community engagement and service improvement.
Mel has a Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) from the University of Wollongong.
In this new role Mel will be directly responsible for planning and managing the operational delivery of the JO’s Environment Program, including the day-to-day operations of the Environment Team, and undertaking a range of activities including research, planning, advocacy and project management that contribute directly to the delivery of our Strategic Regional Environmental Directions.
To make contact with Mel you can reach her on or 4978 4042.