Following our recent recruitment process for a Regional Policy and Program Manager within the Hunter JO we are excited to be having Dr Boyd Blackwell joining our organisation.
Boyd is an applied economist with over 20 years experience leading multidisciplinary teams and stakeholders. He has previously worked for the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (Mineral Economics); the Queensland Government (Water Reform, Urban Water Policy Development, Office of Energy and Coastal Cooperative Research Centre); the Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania; KPMG Melbourne, NSW Government and his own consulting firm.
His experience includes leading the Enduring Community Value from Mining project of the former Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation. This involved supporting the South Australian and Northern Territory governments and their stakeholders with transition plans for the closure of Leigh Creek coal mine & Port Augusta power stations; and Gove Alumina smelter. Boyd also co-authored The Remote Community Mining Toolkit to guide regional communities in getting the most from resource developments throughout their lifecycles.
As a consultant, Boyd has worked with local communities, the Australian Government, the Clean Ocean Foundation and universities through the Marine Biodiversity Hub, supporting the development of a National Outfall Database (NOD). The NOD has resulted in local initiatives to build wastewater infrastructure for more efficient resource use and recovery across Australia.
Boyd also co-developed a blueprint for a new institution called The Regions Cooperative (TRC) through the Building Better Regions Fund of the Australian Government, networking with local government, business leaders, and NGOs to establish a multiple bottom-line assessment framework to build success in local projects.
Boyd’s experience and key research interests in rural, regional and remote economies, institutional analysis, and social, cultural and environmental economic valuation will be a valuable asset to the JO in delivering a range of projects that contribute directly to the delivery of our Hunter JO Strategic Plan.
Boyd can be contacted at or 4978 4020.