Council Net Zero Accelerator Course 2024
The Hunter JO has partnered with the NSW Government and Accelerate Zero to design and deliver the state’s first net zero course designed for local government.
Kicking off in February 2024, the four-month capacity building program will provide councils with expert, best practice knowledge on how to achieve net zero operational emissions. Councils will learn about carbon accounting, setting net zero targets, identifying, prioritising, and implementing emissions reduction opportunities, modelling net zero pathways, developing net zero strategies, how to effectively engage stakeholders, and more.
Over 80 employees from councils across NSW will participate in the program, which is subsidised by the NSW Government.
Regional Net Zero Roadmap
The NSW Government is supporting the Hunter JO to develop a Regional Net Zero Roadmap for Hunter councils. The strategy will provide a collective roadmap to reduce council operational emissions in line with NSW Government’s legislated net zero targets.
Plugging into the Future: Electrifying Council Fleets’ event
More than 60 council representatives from across the Hunter and surrounding regions attended Hunter JO’s ‘Plugging into the Future: Electrifying Council Fleets’ event on 30 November 2023. Councils heard from expert speakers about how best to navigate the essential aspects of transitioning to electric vehicle fleets, including total cost of ownership, charging, and planning. The attendees test drove a range of EVs and browsed the electric trucks and outdoor equipment on display, such as electric ride on mowers and BBQs.
Delivered in partnership with Cities Power Partnership, the event was a resounding success. Positive feedback was received from attendees and the event received positive coverage from local media. This included a live ABC radio cross, and articles by Newcastle Herald and several other local newspapers.
Net Zero Pools
The NSW Government’s Sustainable Councils team is funding feasibility assessments for five eligible Hunter councils to transition their aquatic centres from gas to net zero. The assessments will provide councils with shovel ready projects for grant funding opportunities.
For more information, visit our Net Zero Acceleration project page today!