Landfill Emissions Package
Mastering Landfill Emissions with the NGERs calculator
The Problem
Landfill emissions are the largest source of emissions for several Hunter Councils. Councils told us that measuring greenhouse gas emissions associated with the operation of landfills was complicated, time consuming, and confusing. Addressing this gap will assist councils to better understand their landfill emissions profile and plan impactful emissions reduction activities.
The Solution
Hunter Joint Organisation has partnered with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) through the Sustainability Partnerships 2023 program to develop a capacity building package to support NSW councils with landfill emissions measurement and reporting. The first stage of the project delivered the ‘Mastering Landfill Emissions with the NGERs calculator’ capacity building package.
Mastering Landfill Emissions with the NGERs calculator Package:
The package includes the following resources:
- Training video: NGER Solid Waste Calculator
To facilitate effective usage and updating of the NGER Solid Waste Calculator by councils themselves, a detailed instructional video has been developed. This video provides step-by-step guidance on how to calculate landfill emissions using the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme’s Solid Waste Calculator.The training video aims to empower councils with the knowledge and skills necessary to confidently utilise the calculator for emissions estimation and reporting purposes.
- Written guide to accompany the video
To complement the training video, a non-technical guide was developed to provide additional support and clarification. This guide breaks down complex concepts and procedures into easily understandable language, ensuring accessibility for council staff of all levels of expertise. It serves as a handy reference tool for councils seeking further guidance on using the NGER solid waste calculator.
- Framework of rules and assumptions
A comprehensive framework was established to govern the application and configuration of the NGER solid waste calculator, with a particular focus on the Hunter council context. This framework outlines rules, assumptions, and guidelines for users to follow when inputting data and interpreting results. It ensures consistency and standardisation in emissions calculations across the region, while also allowing for flexibility to address unique regional variations and specific council needs.
Landfill emissions measurement for Hunter councils
The project also involved 100% Renewables completing NGER solid waste calculators for Hunter Joint Organisation’s member councils and Central Coast Council. Each calculator was comprehensively completed using the available data (including historical weighbridge data supplied by the EPA) to align with the established boundary assessment framework and NGER standards. The completed calculators were delivered along with comprehensive documentation of the methodology, assumptions, and data sources used.
This project was undertaken through a partnership with the NSW Environmental Protection Authority, Hunter Joint Organisation, and 100% Renewables.
Proudly funded by the NSW EPA through the 2023 Sustainable Partnerships program.