The Hunter JO has received international recognition in the Circular Economy space with Tim Askew, Regional Policy and Programs Manager, asked to present at the World Circular Economy Forum on 7 October 2020. The forum focused on understanding Australia’s challenges to transition to circularity, with a range of specialists in the field contributing to the panel.
Tim Askew was encouraged and inspired by the level of expertise and experience from the international experts at the World Circular Economy Forum. Some of the speakers on the day included Professor Usha Iyer-Raniga from RMIT University who has a leading role in the UN’s One Planet Network’s Sustainable Buildings and Construction Programme; Dr Scott Valentine, a Director and Senior Circular Economy Specialist at KPMG Australia who is educating business leaders on the development of Circular Economy strategy; and Steve Morriss, Head of Circular Economy Development from Planet Ark who has been tasked by the Federal Government to build the Australian Circular Economy Hub (ACE Hub).
Tim Askew’s presentation generated engaged discussion and acknowledgement within the forum for the leadership role played by local government in establishing a circular economy for our region. The Hunter JO’s principle functions of strategic planning and priority setting, regional leadership, advocacy and intergovernmental collaboration were also acknowledged as aligning with what would be required for Circular Economy to get off the ground for the Hunter.
Joe James, CEO of the Hunter JO noted, “The opportunity presented by a shift towards a circular economy will be accelerated through the leadership of the Mayors of the Hunter JO. Collaboration between all levels of government, industry, business and community sectors is required throughout our region’s entire supply chain for a circular economy to work and for our region to see all the economic, social and environmental benefits.”
Circular Economy has been a focus for our member councils for quite some time now, with Mayor Kay Fraser chairing the Hunter JO’s Circular Economy Sub-Committee, and the launch of the Hunter BioCircular Website in July this year. To read more about the Hunter JO’s Hunter Circular and Hunter BioCircular Programs, check out the What We Do section of our website.