The Hunter Joint Organisation and its ten member councils are refreshing their Regional Code of Conduct Panel and are inviting Expressions of Interest.
Under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Code of Conduct framework, Councils are required to establish a Panel of Conduct Reviewers, to inquire into complaints alleging breaches of the Code by the Mayor, Councillors or General Manager.
Councils may enter into an arrangement with one or more other Councils to share a Regional Panel. Hunter JO Member Councils have agreed to establish a Regional Panel of Conduct Reviewers for a period of up to four years commencing 13 August 2020.
The Hunter Joint Organisation (Hunter JO) invites Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified and experienced persons for appointment to a Regional Code of Conduct Review Panel. Persons seeking appointment must satisfy the criteria specified in the EOI and nominate their schedule of fees.
To complete an Expression of Interest, please use the following link to access the documentation through Tenderlink:
select ‘All Current Tenders’ and Notice Number: REGPRO-918363.
For any questions on the EOI process, please contact the Hunter JO Chief Executive Officer on 02 4978 4040, or by email to
Expressions of Interest close at 5.00 pm on Friday 19 June 2020.