Keep up to date with what we have been up to over the last few months by checking out our Strategic Plan Implementation Report, Environment Program Report, and August Program Report!
Hunter JO Strategic Plan Implementation Report

This report gives a six-month update on the progress of the implementation of our Hunter JO Strategic Plan 2032 and Communications and Engagement Strategy.
Hunter and Central Coast Environment Program Report

This report provides an annual update on the projects that fall under the Hunter and Central Coast Environment Program. The report demonstrates the significant return on investment for Hunter JO Member Councils and Central Coast Council from the program, which has now been running for over two decades. It also highlights how the Environment Program is contributing significantly to implementation of the Hunter JO Strategic Plan 2032.
Hunter JO Program Report August 2023

While previously delivered every second month, this report will now be provided six-monthly. It provides an update on all of the projects, intergovernmental collaboration, and grant and funding proposals. It aims to communicate progress in the delivery of the Hunter JO Strategic Plan 2032 and demonstrates how we are delivering on our four strategic priorities.