We are pleased to announce that we have secured funding for a Hunter Circular Knowledge Hub project to address the inaccessibility of information and barriers to knowledge that contribute to the lack of uptake of circular principles in the region.
The project will leverage our existing digital platform and gather information on existing services and solutions available in the region and present this information in a user-friendly digital format. This format will be tailored specifically to meet the needs of our two distinct user groups:
Council staff
The project will create an exclusive access digital portal for council staff members hosted on the Hunter Circular website to enable circularity best practice for council-managed waste streams and facilitate knowledge sharing amongst councils to reduce burden on their individual resources, as well as to facilitate the collaborative evaluation of new recovery pathways and offtake providers in the region.
Wider Community
The project will develop a digital map tool to encourage the uptake of sharing, hiring, reuse and repair behaviours by connecting community members with circular solutions provided by businesses (B2C) and councils (C2C). The tool will address knowledge and accessibility barriers by centralising information, geolocating the proximity of services to users, and be searchable by multi filters. The tool will be hosted on the Hunter Circular website and embedded directly on council websites in the Hunter and Central Coast.
For more information on this project, please contact Stephanie Reilly, Project Officer – Circular Economy, on stephanier@hunterjo.com.au
This project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy initiative, funded from the waste levy.