Hunter JO’s Small Acts Big Change program has brought Green Caffeen to the Central Coast in partnership with the Central Coast Council. The program launched in Central Coast cafes on the 18th of June, with 25 cafes signed on so far. Hunter JO first partnered with Green Caffeen in February of 2021 and the Central Coast is the 8th council area to sign up as part of the program.
Across the 8 participating councils there are more than 80 cafes that have signed up for the program and more than 1300 registered customers. in only five months there has been more than 18 thousand single use cups diverted from landfill!
What is Green Caffeen and how do I participate?
Green Caffeen is a ‘Swap and Go’ Reusable Coffee Cup Scheme aimed at reducing the use of single use coffee cups. Participating cafes will have reusable coffee cups available for customers to use and return within 30 days. There are nearly 700 participating cafes, with almost 800 thousand reusable cups served to happy customers.
You can join the movement as a customer or cafe by visiting the Green Caffeen website here. To find out more about the Hunter JO’s partnership with this program, check out our media release here.
Find out more about the Small Acts Big Change program by visiting their website or checking out their Facebook or Instagram pages.