The Hunter JO has lodged a number of applications to the Regional NSW Business Case and Strategy Development Fund. The focus of the grant is to support local councils, joint organisations, not-for-profit, industry and Aboriginal community groups in developing business cases or strategies for projects that deliver significant economic or social benefits to regional communities, with a focus on infrastructure.
The fund aims to:
- Encourage regional collaboration to identify projects and strategies with regional scale and impact
- Increase alignment of regional projects and strategies with Regional Economic Development Strategies (REDS) and other relevant regional or NSW Government plans and policies
- Build a pipeline of investment-ready economic and priority community projects in regional NSW
The projects that the Hunter JO are submitting for the grant include:
- A Regional Transition Masterplan for the Hunter
- Hunter Cycle Tourism and Shiraz to Shore Cycle Trail Business Case
- Regional Electric Vehicle Strategy
- Circular Economy Precincts Concept Plan
- Integrated Regional Airports Strategy
- Hunter Global Tourism Strategy
As well as these projects, the Hunter JO has lent support to at least 17 projects being proposed by Member Councils and other partner organisations that align with our strategic directions for the region. We received 109 letters of support from our Member Councils and key stakeholders across our applications.
For more information on these grant applications, or if you are interested in a particular project, please contact Steve Wilson, Director Policy and Programs on