With the Hunter JO’s principal functions including regional leadership and advocacy and intergovernmental collaboration we are regularly in attendance of other organisations meetings and more recently due to COVID we have found ourselves connecting with organisations across the region via webinars.
Our CEO Joe James has presented a general update to the Regional Leadership Executive and found alignment in many key areas. Joe has also spoken in recent forums with Hunter Renewal and the Hunter Business Chamber. Hunter Renewal’s webinar on 8 September focused on the topic ‘How can Government leadership create a sustainable Hunter Valley’, with Joe speaking to the group leadership of our ten member councils through the Hunter JO and its initiatives.
Skye Moore and Siobhan Isherwood presented on our regional disaster management initiatives at the Hunter Environment Institute Webinar which allowed attendees to explore local and regional perspectives to disaster preparedness, emergency response and resilience for the Hunter’s communities.
The recording of this webinar is available at https://youtu.be/nxiaQUk0xnc:
Tim Askew and Steve Wilson recently spoke at the HunterNet Circular Economy Forum, highlighting the programs and projects of the Hunter JO and giving key detail for the circular economy in the region www.huntercircular.com.au
Tim Askew has also just been announced as a key speaker for the World Circular Economy Forum – Oceania on 7 October. We’ll include more details for this in our next newsletter, as well as on our Website, LinkedIn and Facebook.
New Submission
The Hunter JO has made a submission to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into the integrity, efficacy and value for money of NSW Government grant programs. The submission included a focus on the evolving role and growing value of Joint Organisations in working with the NSW Government to deliver on the Government’s commitments to regional Councils and their communities, and the potential role of NSW government grant programs in strengthening this important relationship. The recommendations provided are drawn from the experiences of the Hunter JO and from ongoing communication and collaboration with the broader network of Joint Organisations around NSW.
For more information contact Joe James, CEO ceo@hunterjo.com.au
NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (BOS)
Biodiversity assessment and approval pathways developed by the Hunter JO team to provide Hunter and Central Coast Councils with guidance on navigating the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (BOS) have now been adapted by DPIE for state-wide application. These approval pathways provide general guidance on application of the BOS and land management framework.
For more information go to:https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/-/media/OEH/Corporate-Site/Documents/Animals-and-plants/Biodiversity/biodiversity-assessment-approval-pathways-local-government-2020.pdf?la=en&hash=3A1F391ECA2ED2FA1E8C66B92AE525D3DDFAF456