Our Climate Change Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Package has now been released in its final version!
Originally released as a working draft in late 2021, the Climate Change IP&R package is now available as a final version after incorporating feedback from our stakeholders. This package provides support and guidance to Councils during the development of their Community Strategic Plans (CSP), Delivery Program and Operational Plan. It supports Councils’ and their communities’ climate change journey by providing user friendly, practical tools and templates to embed climate change throughout the IP&R process.
The Climate Change IP&R Package includes:
- Climate change commitment level framework– Commitment levels allow Councils to establish a vision and identity for their climate change journey. The three levels established provide typical (but not binding) narratives, which are based on the individual Councils’ resources available, risk and opportunity level for the particular Local Government Area (LGA), and their communities’ values. The concept supports the discussions within Councils when setting the scene for their IP&R cycle
- IP&R templates– These provide template wording for strategic priority statements, delivery program objectives and operational plan examples of initiatives and actions for each commitment level, in line with relevant guidelines and best practice principles; and
- Communication and engagement package– This package provides process support, factsheets, template Council papers and presentations
Since being released as a working draft, the Climate Change IP&R Package has been embraced, not only throughout the Hunter region, but also across the state! It has been great to see so many Councils referencing the package and using the template wording in their new Community Strategic Plans.
To access the Climate Change IP&R Package, please visit our website or contact Melinda Curtis at melindac@hunterjo.com.au.
This project has been proudly funded by the New South Wales Government with assistance from Local Government NSW.