Joint Organisations are required to develop a Statement of Strategic Regional Priorities (SSRP) which sets out a vision for the region and provide an overview of the strategic actions required to deliver on that vision. Our draft SSRP, which is being referred to as the Hunter JO Strategic Plan 2032, is now out for consultation.
The Hunter JO Strategic Plan 2032 draws from the Community Strategic Plans (CSPs) of our ten Member Councils, regional-level plans, and other state strategic documents to clearly identify the highest regional priorities. It is a four-year document that aligns with the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) cycle and must be prepared within 12 months of the ordinary election of Councillors for all Member Councils.
The Regional Priorities in our Strategic Plan are a synthesised, collective view of local communities’ voices drawn directly from many thousands of our constituents, via the extensive community engagement undertaken by Member Councils, in preparing their statutory 10-year CSPs.
We invite you to review the Draft Hunter Strategic Plan and provide submissions and feedback to
The consultation period on the Hunter Strategic Plan 2032 closes on Friday 11th November 2022. All submissions and feedback will be collated and presented to the Hunter JO Board for their consideration.