NSW residents experienced a severe and prolonged weather event in March with heavy rain, strong winds, and widespread flooding. A total of 63 Local Government Areas (LGAs) have been disaster-declared in the state. A total of 9 LGA’s were declared in the Hunter and Central Coast Region: Dungog, Cessnock, Central Coast, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, MidCoast, Newcastle, Port Stephens and Singleton.
Regional Recovery Committees have been established for the Hunter and MidCoast areas, whose focus is to capture and respond to the ongoing recovery needs of the effected Local Government areas.
For flood advice, please go to the NSW Government and Service NSW websites (www.nsw.gov.au and www.service.nsw.gov.au) or refer to your local Council’s Disaster Dashboard
The Disaster Customer Care phone line is open 24 hours daily; 13 77 88.