Our Waste Education Program, Small Acts Big Change (SABC), in collaboration with the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) are resuming delivery of our community recycling centre campaigns now that most local CRCs have reopened following the COVID shutdown.
As part of these campaigns, the EPA is running their spring cleaning campaign from the 12th of October through until the 9th of November.
This campaign’s key message is “springtime is here, there’s no better time to declutter your home. Wondering how to safely dispose of your fluorescent light bulbs, batteries, smoke detectors, paints, gas bottles and oils? Bring them down to your local community recycling centre and we will recycle them or dispose of them safely, for free! To find your nearest CRC visit epa.nsw.gov.au/recycling centres.”
As part of this, SABC is running radio ads and TV commercials to encourage Hunter residents to visit their local CRC, now that they are open, when cleaning out their home.
Visit our SABC Website to keep up to date with our waste education program HERE or check out the EPA’s campaign HERE