We need your feedback on contaminated land consent conditions and information systems!
The Hunter JO is currently in the process of updating the Register of Contaminated Land Consent Conditions and Developing a Contaminated Land Information System resources, which were originally developed a few years ago and have since been used widely in the Hunter region and across NSW.
As part of this review, we are seeking your feedback on the current consent conditions and would appreciate if you could complete this five-minute survey. Please feel free to forward this link onto anyone you know who may be able to give any insights into using contaminated land consent conditions as part of the DA process.
We are also seeking any feedback on the Contaminated Land Information System resource linked above. If you have any input or learnings you would like to share, particularly around Council’s setting up a contaminated land information system for the first time, please email contaminated.land@hunterjo.com.au.
To check out any of our other Contaminated Land resources, please visit the Regional Contaminated Land Program Page.