City Scan Project
The Hunter JO is excited to be involved in a multi-partner project involving the University of Newcastle, Lake Macquarie City Council, Newcastle Council, Central Coast Council and Go Circular.
This project directly builds on previous circular economy project initiatives, including material flow analysis completed by the Hunter JO and DPIE, to identify pathways of opportunity for building the circular economy in the region. Led by Lake Macquarie City Council and developed by the University of Newcastle, the project aims to use the City Scan circular economy tool developed by European based organisation, Circle Economy, for analysing datasets to identify areas of the Hunter Region’s economy that is ideal for circularity. Aiming for completion in June, the project will provide key information and data insights to guide the next stage of Circular Economy prioritisation, planning, and action for the region.
Read more about our Circular Economy Program here.
Circular Economy Executive Training
The Hunter JO delivered a training session on 18 March 2021, focusing on the Circular Economy, which targeted executive staff of Hunter JO member Councils. The Circular Economy Masterclass was delivered by Coreo as part of our Circular Economy Eco-System Project – Stage 2.
Coreo’s Circular Economy Masterclass is a deep-dive into all things circular economy. The masterclass focused on how to activate, incubate and accelerate the circular economy within individual local government areas and as a collective through the Hunter JO.
Fourteen representatives including Directors, Managers and a General Manager across eight different Councils participated in the masterclass.