In our August newsletter, we announced our regional Airport Summit project, which we are delivering in collaboration with Newcastle Airport, Committee for the Hunter, Business Hunter, and the University of Newcastle, with the support funding from the NSW Government. We are excited to unveil the branding that we have developed as part of this project and the advocacy surrounding it; Hunter Global: Our International Future.
This branding reflects the significant opportunity for the region arising from the Federal Government’s support for the $66 million Newcastle Airport runway upgrade, which will deliver an international airport to the Hunter region. This infrastructure upgrade represents an enabler for significant economic activity throughout the entire region, with it set to generate 4,410 full time jobs and $12.7 billion in regional economic benefit. This benefit will be seen through increased freight and stimulation of the visitor economy.
On 16th November we will be hosting invited industry experts at an online roundtable to identify the potential opportunities and capacity barriers for the region to capitalise on this opportunity. The priorities identified at the roundtable will determine the direction of the Airport Summit to be held in February 2022. Open to participants from across and beyond the region, the February summit will refine and explore these opportunities and develop advocacy and program priorities to plan the next steps forward for the region.
For more information on Hunter Global or to register your interest for the Airport Summit, visit our Hunter Global project page. Click HERE for more information about the runway upgrade.