We have recently released a working draft of the Hunter JO’s Climate Change Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Package, as a pilot for our Member Council to access over the coming months. This package seeks to revolutionise the way local councils embed climate change resilience within their Community Strategic Plans. A presentation on the package was also delivered to the LGNSW Climate Change network (comprising around 80 Councils) in early October, receiving a very positive response.
The Package will support councils on their climate change journey by highlighting the long-term strategic direction as well as the medium and short-term programs and projects needed to achieve these strategic aspirations. It also provides user-friendly, practical tools and templates for councils to embed climate change as “business as usual”, by aligning activities with their IP&R framework and timelines.
The release of the package is timely. Its focus on climate change aligns with the Hunter JO’s participation in the Climate Council’s Cities Power Partnership (CPP), of which all JO member councils and Central Coast Council are involved. The Federal recently released their Long Term Emissions Reduction Plan ahead of the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow and the NSW Government has already committed to Net Zero Emissions by 2050.
The package will directly support Councils in aligning with these broader state and Commonwealth policy positions as they prepare their next round of Community Strategic Plans. It also complements the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Climate Change Local Government toolkit that seeks to support councils integrate state government provisions within their planning process.
The Climate Change IP&R Package has been released as a working draft and will be in a review cycle for three months. Please forward any suggestions, comments and requested additions to: Melinda Curtis on 0428 981 012 or melindac@hunterjo.com.au by the end of January 2022.