The Small Acts Big Change program has been busy in spite of social isolation. We’ve produced some short animations about ways to reduce and reuse waste at home, such as worm farming and using bees wax wraps. These will be great conversation starters for social media. We’ve also made public a new collection of waste warrior videos from around the Hunter, including of Michelle from Dungog who is championing plastic-free Dungog. To watch this new video go to:
Recently we aired ads on the NBN network that have been seen around the region. There will also be more opportunities to air ads in the future.
As always, we love sharing, so pass along details via your social media so that even more people can find out what the Hunter JO and our member councils are up to when it comes to waste in the region.
For more information contact
Siobhan Isherwood
Project Coordinator
Phone: 0429 564 111