The Hunter Joint Organisation is coordinating a regional approach to the promotion of local Community Recycling Centres (CRC’s). Current messaging is focused on managing the impacts of COVID-19, encouraging the community to hold onto their household problem waste for now. These will be broadcast via commercial radio, newspapers and social media. Keeping the community informed about changes to Council services is important, and we’re doing everything we can to help facilitate that. Our key messaging is:
Having a clean out?
Got some problem waste to get rid of?
Hold onto it for now!
Some Community Recycling Centres are temporarily closed to the public due to Covid-19.
And to keep everyone safe, we’re asking that you hold on to anything you’re wanting to dispose of, at home.
Find a corner of your carport, garage or spare room to safely store those unwanted bits and pieces.
Community Recycling Centres will still be there when all this is over.
For more information visit or contact your local council.